Not ready to jump into a full coaching package but need  an outsider's perspective?

Committing to a long-term coaching package can feel daunting - or maybe it's not what you need right now. I can still help.

Book a one-time Mom Support Session where you can bring that one thing that keeps you lying away at night. Shift your challenge from " I can't handle this anymore" to "I got this!"

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What's Included?

One 50-minute Zoom session

A Mom Support Session is for you if ...

You are curious about 1:1 coaching but not ready to commit to a larger package

You're overwhelmed & exhausted, and want an outsider's perspective

You want to shift your energy around a specific challenge that is showing up for you

Book Your Session Now

Hi, I'm Tina!

Motherhood is exhausting and demanding and when you are so overtaken with your emotions and out of control with fear, anxiety, worry, anger, or rage, you are disconnected from a relationship that can bring you the most joy and unconditional love.

Motherhood is also an isolating experience. They say it takes a village, but where, exactly, is this village? No one tells you that you have to build your own.

Let me be a part of your village. I am here to support you through the challenges of motherhood - through those sleepless nights, torturous witching hours, and everything in between. I’m the person you can lean on when you’re wondering if you’re doing it wrong, the person who will hold a gentle, safe space for you to put down all that you’ve been carrying.

A Support Session is a 50-minute session where you can bring that thing that has you begging for mercy. We’ll troubleshoot it & I’ll offer you the perspective of an outsider, along with actionable steps you can take to shift the challenge from “I can’t handle this anymore!” to “I got this!”

It’s like a phone call with a friend - except without the judgment, the “I told you so,” or the list of shoulds. It’s a space where you don’t have to worry about anyone else - this is just for you and your needs.

Motherhood is not only about raising little humans; it is an opportunity to uncover your deepest wounds and heal so you can return to the most authentic version of you - and genuinely love your life. Let's take that first step together.

The Investment

One-time payment of $99

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Frequently Asked Questions

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