Wondering what all this inner child  talk is about?

If you've been hanging around the self-healers circle for even a few minutes, it may seem like everyone is talking about it - this mysterious inner child. This guide gives you 10 signs that your inner child may be harboring old wounds, but it doesn't stop there.

It also offers you the next steps to help you start connecting with & healing your inner child.

Start your healing journey today so you can show up as the person you want to be - not the person created by your programming.

Hey, Mama. I'm Tina ...

& I want to help you discover & connect with your inner child so you can release the pain you carry, allowing you to live more authentically & free!

Change is hard. It is much easier to fall back into our old thought patterns & behaviors than it is to develop into someone different - someone wiser, stronger, and happier. Transformation requires a commitment to standing in the fire, even when it becomes unbearable. 

But growth is necessary. It is important for us to look at ourselves and to understand why we say and do the things we do - especially as parents. Our children are watching us. And if there is one universal truth, it is that every parent wants better for their children.

Every parent wants to protect their children from the pain and frustration they experienced as a child - We want to pass on the lessons we learned, if only to make it easier on our children.

Unintentionally though, we mindlessly pass on generations of trauma through seemingly innocuous parenting techniques. Simply put: we parent the way we were parented. We find ourselves sounding more and more like our own caregivers, and many times, this stands in the way of an authentic connection with our children.

I started The Healing Parent to help moms like you: mamas who want something different for their parenting and lives, but continue to find themselves repeating the patterns of their own childhoods. Mamas who know they can do better, but just can't seem to figure it out.

Motherhood is exhausting and demanding and when you are so overtaken with your emotions and out of control with fear, anxiety, worry, anger, or rage, you are disconnected from a relationship that can bring you the most joy and unconditional love.

Motherhood is not only a chance to raise little humans, it is a chance to uncover your deepest wounds and heal so you can become the most authentic version of you - and genuinely love parenting.

Start your healing journey today.