Reclaim your fire.
What does it feel like to embody freedom?

For too long women have been taught to be seen and not heard. To quiet down. To tame their inner goddess.

To disconnect from themselves to make others comfortable.

We've exchanged freedom for acceptance, fun for control, and passion for safety.

And in turn, we're exhausted, ragged, and burnt out.

Maybe even unrecognizable to yourself.

You weren't meant to play small. You weren't meant to fit in a box.

It's time to revive the part of you that revels in play, in dancing, in wanting more.


It is time to reignite the flame that is your birthright. To live a life fully expressed, and fully connected to your magic.

By the end of this masterclass,Β using a combination of channeled meditation, visualization and writing exercises, you will:

❀️‍πŸ”₯ understand more about the thing that makes you feel free and fully expressed,Β 

❀️‍πŸ”₯ be aware of what is standing in your way of fun, freedom, play, and connection to self, and

❀️‍πŸ”₯ be so fired up that you can't help but let the flame burn what’s no longer working, and begin to light the way towards a new path.

Don't wait any longer to find your flame – secure your spot now.
Join us for a free virtual masterclass on
March 20, 2024 at 12PM EST.
"I left with such a calming clarity. Most importantly something small but mighty shifted inside of me that I think I will be benefiting from for many many moons to come."

☽ Khadija ☾